Sunday, January 22, 2017

Day 2: Woman's March

So, today was a much better day than yesterday. The Woman's Marches around the world were staggeringly more popular than the inauguration, and definitely made me feel better about this place. My favorite sign: "IKEA has more qualified cabinets!"

Here's a comparison of the crowds in DC at the inauguration and at the women's march. (Spoiler: There is no comparison. Today was better!)

So what did our executive branch get up to today? (Overview article)
  • Trump met with the CIA. Gave them a pretty speech, and didn't talk about the fact that he's been talking crap about them for weeks.
  • Trump's spokesman came out and berated the media for "underreporting numbers at the inauguration". The whole press conference was an amazing bunch of lies. "Unmitigated propaganda" was one journalist's take on it. Wow. It seems like the woman's march really got to the administration! Another quote: "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period … These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm for the inauguration are shameful and wrong." Uh... Obama's inauguration beat yours by about tenfold. Lies are also shameful and wrong.
I talked with somebody today about the way in which the Trump administration routinely dismisses the truthfulness of the media. The continued manner in which they dismiss the media as lies and false news is a concerted propaganda effort to stop people from paying attention to the part of society that is trying to promote the truth. The more that people stop respecting the 4th estate, the more the propaganda machine of the administration can function. This is truly disconcerting, and I hope the media really strongly fight back.

There are so many good photos and videos of marches today! It's inspiring! Keep it up, folks!

In other news, I've decided I need to knit some hats.

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