Friday, March 31, 2017

Day 71: Immunity Denied

Not a whole lot of action today, as far as I can tell. Plenty of talk and statements (particularly regarding Flynn and his request for immunity from prosecution), but not much action. Here's what I've found.
  • The Senate voted 50-49 to undo an Obama regulation designed to help low income earners save for retirement. I don't particularly understand the details of this one, to be honest. However, it's clear that when McConnell says that the new rule "undercut[s] a system of private retirement savings that has served millions of Americans very well for decades", what he's really referring to are the millions of rich, white Americans that the system has been built to benefit.
  • The chair of the house executive oversight committee, Jason Chaffetz, reveals to everybody what we already knew: he is a terrible person. My favourite quote: “He’s already rich,” Chaffetz said. “He’s very rich. I don’t think that he ran for this office to line his pockets even more. I just don’t see it like that.” Because rich people are so obviously beyond reproach.
  • ICE continues to be awful. This story is awful. Dangerous criminals being deported here: When asked if the five people arrested had criminal records, an ICE spokesman said two of the people had no criminal record while the other three had "multiple traffic violations."

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